So today I’m not particularly in the mood to write, but I’m going to share some of my 3D prints, see what you think and write in the comments below! Unlike my food, this might actually be vegan! Share I dream of vegan with your friends!
I got my printer on eBay from a seller who has a fairly decent stock of these printers and other 3D printing equipment, the bargain price was only £66 and included UPS next day delivery. The resin is transparent and costs about £14.99 a bottle on Amazon, same day delivery is available on this as well, which is great! So uhhh yeah here’s a few of my 3D print examples and the process of using a 3D printer! The resin doesn’t last long if you print large solid prints and don’t hollow them out first (The 3D printing software will do this for you, it saves a lot of resin!)